Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chief Running Bear

>Chief Running Bear, did you wish to chat?

I did Troy, Mitakye Oyasin to you.

>It is good to talk with you, Running Bear.

The White Buffalo Calf cycle is finishing now. Enjoy the ride.

There is a waterfall, and a circle.

>I am getting some interference here.

It is not interference, it is still expansion. Do not be concerned.

>When were you here on earth in physical form last?

I have retained my identity from this time.

>Did I meet you in a dream once?

It was me you met, yes.

>You instructed me on building an eagle/hawk pipe with a removable back piece; it was quite intricate. It was an effigy pipe with folded wings, made of pipestone. The stem fit under the right wing, which was folded but slightly raised. I remember you showed me how the stem was to fit snug into the pipe. The bowl of the pipe was very lifelike.

That was me, Troy I am glad you remembered. The Sacred pipe is a direct connection with Mother Earth. Understand that pipes choose their carriers, it is an expression of this connection, but also of the stone people.

>Thank you, Chief Running Bear, I appreciate this connection. All My Relations.



Chief Running Bear of the Cherokee Nation


1 comment:

  1. Thunderbird? I saw a Thunderbird in my meditation with the golden Pyrite
    Does it make sense, Troy?
    Thank you Running Bear, I feel I met your Spirit in one of my meditations too
    Bear - Wolf - Lion
