Friday, March 24, 2017

Dream log 12 march 2017 - Virtual Hug

Dream log 12march – I was at a complex that was like a summer camp or retreat, with a large central meeting building and smaller cabins in a wooded area. The trees were evergreens. I was with a large group of people; we were going for a day hike. The central building was rustic looking with weathered cedar shingles. Next to this building was an elevated wooden walkway that led to a path into the mountains – it went a fairly long way. It was part of a trail that used to be a railway line, and this was a railway trestle that had been converted for use by hikers.

Near the middle of this bridge we passed a kiosk, with some young people managing the stand. They had box lunches, some with people’s first names written in different color felt markers. I’m not sure if the box lunches were for sale. We stopped near the kiosk to admire the view from the bridge. I crouched down for a moment and there was a woman standing behind me. She had an aura of comfort around her and I felt like I had been hugged without actually being hugged. As the group dispersed to progress further, I smiled at her as if to acknowledge the “virtual hug.” She had a knowing look that was both friendly and distant – a secret / kindness shared between strangers.

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